The PC-SIG Library 10
The PC-Sig Library - Shareware for the IBM PC and Compatibles (PC-SIG)(Tenth Edition Disks 1-2804)(1991).iso
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2550 kakoetheia {kak-o-ay'-thi-ah}
from a compound of 2556 and 2239; TDNT - 3:469,391; n f
AV - malignity (1)
1) bad character, depravity of heart and life, malignant
subtlety, malicious craftiness
2551 kakologeo {kak-ol-og-eh'-o}
from a compound of 2556 and 3056; TDNT - 3:468,391; vb
AV - curse (2)
- speak evil of (2) [4]
1) to speak evil of, revile, abuse, one
2) to curse
2552 kakopatheia {kak-op-ath'-i-ah}
from a compound of 2256 and 3806; TDNT - 5:904,798; n f
AV - suffering affliction [1]
1) the suffering of evil, i.e. to be afflicted
2553 kakopatheo {kak-op-ath-eh'-o}
from the same as 2552; TDNT - omitted,798; vb
AV - endure hardness (1)
- suffer trouble (1)
- endure affliction (1)
- be afflicted (1) [4]
1) to suffer (endure) evils (hardships, troubles); to be
2554 kakopoieo {kak-op-oy-eh'-o}
from 2555; TDNT - 3:469,391; vb
AV - do evil (3)
- evil doing (1) [4]
1) to do harm
2) to do evil, do wrong
2555 kakopoios {kak-op-oy-os'}
from 2556 and 4160; TDNT - 3:469,391; adj
AV - evildoer (4)
- malefactor (1) [5]
1) an evil doer, malefactor
2556 kakos {kak-os'}
apparently a primary word; TDNT - 3:469,391; adj
AV - evil (40)
- evil things (3)
- harm (2)
- that which is evil + 3458 (2)
- wicked (1)
- ill (1)
- bad (1)
- noisome (1) [51]
1) of a bad nature; not such as it ought to be
2) of a mode of thinking, feeling, acting; base, wrong, wicked
3) troublesome, injurious, pernicious, destructive, baneful
2557 kakourgos {kak-oor'-gos}
from 2556 and the base of 2041; TDNT - omitted,391; adj
AV - malefactor (3)
- evil doer (1) [4]
1) a malefactor
2558 kakoucheo {kak-oo-kheh'-o}
from a presumed compound of 2556 and 2192; TDNT - omitted,omitted; vb
AV - torment (1)
- suffer adversity (1) [2]
1) to treat ill, oppress, plague
2559 kakoo {kak-o'-o}
from 2556; TDNT - 3:469,391; vb
AV - entreat evil (2)
- make evil affected (1)
- vex (1)
- hurt (1)
- harm (1) [6]
1) to oppress, afflict, harm, maltreat
2) to embitter, render evil affected
2560 kakos {kak-oce'}
from 2556; TDNT - 4:1091,omitted; adv
AV - be sick + 2192 (7)
- be diseased + 2192 (2)
- evil (2)
- grievously (1)
- sore (1)
- miserable (1)
- amiss (1)
- sick people + 2192 (1) [16]
1a) miserable, to be ill
1b) improperly, wrongly, to speak ill of, revile, one
2561 kakosis {kak'-o-sis}
from 2559; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n f
AV - affliction (1)
1) ill treatment, ill-usage
2562 kalame {kal-am'-ay}
feminine of 2563; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n f
AV - stubble (1)
1) a stalk of grain or a reed, the stalk (left after the ears
are cut off), stubble
2563 kalamos {kal'-am-os}
or uncertain affinity; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n m
AV - reed (11)
- pen (1) [12]
1a) a reed
1b) a staff made of a reed, a reed staff
1c) a measuring reed or rod
1d) a writer's reed, a pen
2564 kaleo {kal-eh'-o}
akin to the base of 2753; TDNT - 3:487,394; vb
AV - call (125)
- bid (16)
- be so named (1)
- named + 3686 (1)
- misc (3) [146]
1) to call
1a) to call aloud, utter in a loud voice
1b) to invite
2) to call i.e. to name, by name
2a) to give a name to; to receive the name of, receive as a
name; to give some name to one, call his name
2b) to be called i.e. to bear a name or title (among men)
2c) to salute one by name
2565 kallielaios {kal-le-el'-ah-yos}
from the base of 2566 and 1636; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n f
AV - good olive tree (1)
1) the garden olive as opposed to the wild olive
2566 kallion {kal-lee'-on}
neuter of the (irregular) comparative of 2570;
TDNT - omitted,omitted; comparative
AV - very well (1)
1) better
2567 kalodidaskalos {kal-od-id-as'-kal-os}
from 2570 and 1320; TDNT - 2:135,161; adj
AV - teacher of good things (1)
1) teaching that which is good, a teacher of goodness
2568 Kaloi Limenes {kal-oy' lee-men'-es}
plural of 2570 and 3040; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n pr loc
AV - Fair Havens (1)
1) Fair Havens meaning "goodly ports", is a harbour in the island
of Crete, though not mentioned in any other ancient writings,
is still known by its Greek name, and appears to have been the
harbour of Lasaea.
2569 kalopoieo {kal-op-oy-eh'-o}
from 2570 and 4160; TDNT - omitted,omitted; vb
AV - well doing (1)
1) to do well, act uprightly
2570 kalos {kal-os'}
of uncertain affinity; TDNT - 3:536,402; adj
AV - good (83)
- better (7)
- honest (5)
- meet (2)
- goodly (2)
- misc. (3) [102]
1) beautiful, handsome, excellent, eminent, choice, surpassing,
precious, useful, suitable, commendable, admirable
1a) beautiful to look at, shapely, magnificent
1b) good, excellent in its nature and characteristics, and
therefore well adapted to its ends; genuine, approved;
precious; joined to names of men designated by their office,
competent, able, such as one ought to be; praiseworthy,
1c) beautiful by reason of purity of heart and life, and hence
praiseworthy; morally good, noble
1d) honourable, conferring honour
1e) affecting the mind agreeably, comforting and confirming
2571 kaluma {kal'-oo-mah}
from 2572; TDNT - 3:536,405; n n
AV - vail (4)
1) a veil, covering
2572 kalupto {kal-oop'-to}
akin to 2813 and 2928; TDNT - 3:536,405; vb
AV - cover (5)
- hide (3) [8]
1) to hide, veil, i.e. to hinder the knowledge of a thing
2573 kalos {kal-oce'}
adverb from 2570; TDNT - omitted,omitted; adv
AV - well (30)
- good (2)
- full well (1)
- very well (1)
- misc. (3) [37]
1) beautifully, finely, excellently, well
1a) rightly, so that there shall be no room for blame; well,
1b) excellently, nobly, commendably
1c) honourably, in honour; in a good place, comfortable
1d) to speak well of one, to do good
1e) to be well (of those recovering health)
2574 kamelos {kam'-ay-los}
of Hebrew origin [1581]; TDNT - 3:592,413; n m/f
AV - camel (6)
1) camel
2575 kaminos {kam'-ee-nos}
probably from 2545; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n f
AV - furnace (4)
1) a furnace (either for smelting, or for burning earthen ware,
or baking bread)
2576 kammuo {kam-moo'-o}
from a compound of 2596 and the base of 3466; TDNT - omitted,omitted;
AV - close (2)
1) to shut the eyes, close the eyes
2577 kamno {kam'-no}
apparently a primary verb; TDNT - omitted,omitted; vb
AV - be wearied (1)
- sick (1)
- faint (1) [3]
1) to grow weary, be weary
2) to be sick
2578 kampto {kamp'-to}
apparently a primary verb; TDNT - 3:594,413; vb
AV - bow (4)
1a) to bend, bow, the knee (the knees); to one i.e. in honour
of one, in religious veneration; used of worshippers
1b) to bow one's self
2579 kan {kan}
from 2532 and 1437; TDNT - omitted,omitted; particle
AV - though (4)
- and if (3)
- if but (2)
- also if (1)
- at the least (1)
- and if so much as (1)
- yet (1) [13]
1) and if
2) also or even if
2a) of only, at least
2b) even if
2580 Kana {kan-ah'}
of Hebrew origin [compare 7071]; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n pr loc
AV - Cana (4)
1) Cana meaning "place of reeds" of Galilee, a village or town
not far from Capernaum, memorable as the scene of Christ's
first miracle, John 2, as well as of a subsequent one, in John
4:46,54, and also the native place of the apostle Nathanael.
John 21:2. The traditional site is at Kefr-Kenna, a small
village about 4 1/2 miles northwest of Nazareth. The rival
site is a village situated farther north, about five miles
north of Seffurieh (Sephoris) and nine north of Nazareth.
2581 Kananites {kan-an-ee'-tace}
of Aramaic origin [compare 7067]; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n pr m
AV - Canaanite (2)
1) Canaanite meaning "zealous", was the designation of the
apostle Simon, otherwise known as "Simon Zelotes". It is
derived from a Chaldee or Syriac word by which the Jewish sect
or faction of the "Zealots" was designated -- turbulent and
seditious sect, especially conspicuous at the siege of
Jerusalem. They taught that all foreign rule over the Jews was
unscriptural, and opposed that rule in every way.
2582 Kandake {kan-dak'-ay}
of foreign origin; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n pr f
AV - Candice (1)
1) Candice meaning "prince of servants", a queen of Ethiopia
mentioned in Acts 8:27. (A.D. 38) The name was not a proper
name of an individual, but that of a dynasty of Ethiopian
2583 kanon {kan-ohn'}
from kane (a straight reed, i.e. rod); TDNT - 3:596,414; n m
AV - rule (4)
- line (1) [5]
1) a rod or straight piece of rounded wood to which any thing is
fastened to keep it straight; used for various purposes; a
measuring rod, rule; a carpenter's line or measuring tape; the
measure of a leap, as in the Olympic games
2) a definitely bounded or fixed space within the limits of
which one's power of influence is confined; the province
assigned one; one's sphere of activity; metaph. any rule or
standard, a principle or law of investigating, judging,
living, acting
2584 Kapernaoum {cap-er-nah-oom'}
of Hebrew origin [probably 3723 and 5151]; TDNT - omitted,omitted;
n pr loc
AV - Capernaum (16)
1) Capernaum meaning "village of comfort", was on the western
shore of the Sea of Galilee. It was in the "land of
Gennesaret". It was of sufficient size to be called a city,
had its own synagogue, in which our Lord frequently taught;
and there was also a customs station, where the dues were
gathered both by stationary and by itinerant officers. The
only interest attaching to Capernaum is as the residence of
our Lord and his apostles, the scene of so many miracles and
gracious works. It was when he returned thither that he is
said to have been "in the house" Mk. 2:1. The spots which lay
claim to its sites are, 1. Khan Minyeh, a mound of ruins which
takes its name from an old khan hard by. This mound is
situated close upon the seashore at the northwestern extremity
of the plain. (now El Ghuweir). 2. Three miles north of Khan
Minyeh is another claimant, Tell Hum, -- ruins of walls and
foundations covering a space of half a mile long by a quarter
wide, on a point of the shore projecting into the lake and
backed by a very gentle-rising ground. It is impossible to
locate it with certainty, but the probability is in favour of
Tell Hum.
2585 kapeleuo {kap-ale-yoo'-o}
from kapelos (a huckster); TDNT - 3:603,415; vb
AV - corrupt (1)
1) to be a retailer, to peddle
2) to make money by selling anything; to get sordid gain by
dealing in anything, to do a thing for base gain; to trade in
the word of God, i.e. to try to get base gain by teaching
divine truth. But as peddlers were in the habit of
adulterating their commodities for the sake of gain; to
corrupt, to adulterate
2586 kapnos {kap-nos'}
of uncertain affinity; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n m
AV - smoke (13)
1) smoke
2587 Kappadokia {kap-pad-ok-ee'-ah}
of foreign origin; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n pr loc
AV - Cappadocia (2)
1) Cappadocia meaning "province of good horses", was the largest
province in ancient Asia Minor. Cappadocia is an elevated
table-land intersected by mountain chains. It seemed always to
have been deficient in wood; but was a good grain country, and
particularly famous for grazing. Its Roman metropolis was
Caesarea. The native Capadocians seem to have originally
belonged to the Syrian stock.
2588 kardia {kar-dee'-ah}
prolonged from a primary kar (Latin, cor, "heart"); TDNT - 3:605,415;
n f
AV - heart (159)
- broken hearted + 4937 (1) [160]
I) the heart
1) that organ in the animal body which is the centre of the
circulation of the blood, and hence was regarded as the seat
of physical life
2) denotes the centre of all physical and spiritual life
2a) the vigour and sense of physical life
2b) the centre and seat of spiritual life; the soul or mind,
as it is the fountain and seat of the thoughts, passions,
desires, appetites, affections, purposes, endeavours; of the
understanding, the faculty and seat of the intelligence; of
the will and character; of the soul so far as it is affected
and stirred in a bad way or good, or of the soul as the seat
of the sensibilities, affections, emotions, desires,
appetites, passions
3) of the middle or central or inmost part of anything, even
though inanimate
2589 kardiognostes {kar-dee-og-noce'-tace}
from 2588 and 1097; TDNT - 3:605,415; n m
AV - which knows the hearts (2)
1) knower of the hearts
2590 karpos {kar-pos'}
probably from the base of 726; TDNT - 3:614,416; n m
AV - fruit (66)
1) fruit; the fruit of the trees, vines, of the fields; the
fruit of one's loins, i.e. his progeny, his posterity
2) that which originates or comes from something; an effect,
2a) work, act, deed, of Christian character
2b) advantage, profit, utility
2c) praises, which are presented to God as a thank-offering
2d) to gather fruit (i.e. a reaped harvest) into life eternal
(as into a granary), is used in fig. discourse of those who
by their labours have fitted souls to obtain eternal life
2591 Karpos {kar'-pos}
perhaps for 2590; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n pr m
AV - Carpus (1)
1) Carpus meaning "fruit" was a Christian at Trias. 2 Ti. 4:13
2592 karpophoreo {kar-pof-or-eh'-o}
from 2593; TDNT - 3:614,416; vb
AV - bring forth fruit (6)
- bear fruit (1)
- be fruitful (1) [8]
1a) to bear fruit
1b) to bear, bring forth, deeds; to bear fruit of one's self
2593 karpophoros {kar-pof-or'-os}
from 2590 and 5342; TDNT - omitted,omitted; adj
AV - fruitful (1)
1) fruit bearing, fruitful, productive
2594 kartereo {kar-ter-eh'-o}
from a derivative of 2904 (transp.); TDNT - 3:617,417; vb
AV - endure (1)
1) to be steadfast
2595 karphos {kar'-fos}
from karpho (to wither); TDNT - omitted,omitted; n n
AV - mote (6)
1) a dry stalk or twig, a straw; chaff
2596 kata {kat-ah'}
a primary particle; TDNT - omitted,omitted; prep
AV - according to (107)
- after (61)
- against (58)
- in (36)
- by (27)
- daily + 2250 (15)
- as (11)
- misc (166) [481]
1a) down from, through out
1b) according to, toward, along
2597 katabaino {kat-ab-ah'-ee-no}
from 2596 and the base of 939; TDNT - 1:518,90; vb
AV - come down (41)
- descend (18)
- go down (17)
- fall down (1)
- step down (1)
- get down (1)
- fall (1) [80]
1) to go down, come down, descend
1a) the place from which one has come down from
1b) to come down; as from the temple at Jerusalem, from the
city of Jerusalem; also of celestial beings coming down to
earth; to be cast down
2) of things, to come (i.e. be sent) down; to come (i.e. fall)
down: from the upper regions of the air
3) to (go i.e.) be cast down to the lowest state of wretchedness
and shame
2598 kataballo {kat-ab-al'-lo}
from 2596 and 906; TDNT - omitted,omitted; vb
AV - cast down (2)
- lay (1) [3]
1) to cast down; to throw to the ground, prostate
2) to put in a lower place: to lay (down) a foundation
2599 katabareo {kat-ab-ar-eh'-o}
from 2596 and 916; TDNT - omitted,omitted; vb
AV - burden (1)
1) to press down by an imposing weight; to weigh down; metaph.
to burden